Have you just moved homes and want to install some IKEA furniture by yourself? It is a great idea! IKEA furniture is dynamic, modular and can also be fun to install, if you follow a few easy steps. Read more

Have you just moved homes and want to install some IKEA furniture by yourself? It is a great idea! IKEA furniture is dynamic, modular and can also be fun to install, if you follow a few easy steps. Read more
Mr Fix It is a skilled handyman service around the Geneva and Lausanne areas. Our goal is to reduce your DIY fatigue, provide you with a great service and value for money. August and September are good months to Read more
It is hard to believe that here in the Lake Lémann/Geneva area we are enjoying a summer that rivals that of Rome or Athens. However, most of us have been searching without success to find a strong fan or Read more
As we all enjoy the warm summer and long evenings, now is a good time to plan home improvement projects that are waiting for us to start. So, whether it is finishing a summer project or preparing Read more
Home repairs never disappear but we often turn a blind eye to them. How many times do we find ourselves wanting to start a project but run out of time or lack the right tools and know how? Even more so, when you are Read more
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