Numerous concierge services are offered in Lausanne and Geneva areas. Today, concierge services have an ever-increasing demand, due to our busy work lives and desire to spend our free time with family, friends and pursuing our hobbies.
The need for concierge services is greatest within the expat community due to language, still being in the process of building up a network and the lack of knowledge of the area and services available.
The top 3 concierge services which offer services in the Lake Geneva area of Lausanne, Geneva, Montreux, Vevey and Nyon are:
Services on offer include:
- Ironing
- Painting
- Plumbing
- Gardening
- Dog walking
- House sitting
- Window cleaning
- Tips about Lausanne and the Lake Geneva area
If these concierge services sound like they may be of use to you, or you would like some more information, consult the links above.
Now it’s time to go out and enjoy your free time!
Have a great summer,
A big thanks to Ella Kolm for blog!